BA Promotion Technology
Cancer, How Cancer Starts, How Cancer Spreads, Where and Why, Animation.
SMA Type 1: How Gene Therapy Works
FDA Approves World’s Most Expensive Drug To Treat Rare Disease | NBC Nightly News
BA Promotion Technology
LLK Corp
Study, design, & bio engineer of technology and medicine to preserve and prolong human life. Via Stem Cells, Reproduction, Respiration & Regeneration. Use also of the Zolgensma Shot.
Study, design, & bio engineer of technology and medicine to preserve and prolong human life. Via Stem Cells, Reproduction, Respiration & Regeneration. Use also of the Zolgensma Shot.
Stock Saver
Stock Market trading system & software. Created to realize earnings no matter bear or bull market. With the added Insider information and tips. After passing the pattern trader rule. (*Per Account $26,000)
City Print
Create, Build, Design and Construct, Housing and commercials real estate. using 3D
printing technology’s on a mass scale. 4x faster and less costly.
ED-U Tec
Design, study, shape and manufacture new education technology. Base on the speeding up the K-12 process 10 fold correcting USA's education crises.
Mod Life Tec
Mod Life Design manufacture & manage new technology that make everyday life and household task easier faster and less straining (SMART HOUSE).
FuT Tec
-Coming Soon-
Road Corp
Build, Design and create; Road, Freeways & toll station technology’s. For driver-less and future transportation technologies.
Hazardous Tec
Products, preparation, performance and placement. During and for hazardous and catastrophic weather events and crisis. Including Space Technology,
Earth Quakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Tornado's, Floods, Extreme Cold & Heat.
Coin Snag
Bitcoin Stock insider. Manage, Move, Manufacture. Coin to cash
Home Energy
Wireless Electricity Technology, Products, Home, Transportation and commercial. Wi-fi Energy.