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Connection, Contacts & Capital. Are often under established or unused in the work space. BA Promotions uses these tools and assets. Domestic, rural, and  international business.  


Winning is a model and a must. Clean clear and confident business in all forms and fashion. 


BA Promotions is a future leader and tone setter. Healthy Lifestyle and Happy Living. No matter the industry is a vision. BA Promotions is a very lucrative S Corp.

With Push and Pull in the Service, Entertainment, Food, Technology, Stock & Other Industry. Keeping  Healthy Lifestyle and Happy Living at its upmost importance.


Our staff are the brightest old and young minds. Span over four generations. With unquiet education, traits and tips. This created some of the brightest and best technological advancements business and opportunity seen since the Great Era.  

BA Promotion Technology

-Stem cell, Genetherapy, DNA, Zolgensma 

Space cell respiration, regeneration Pod

Cell repair 

Stem cell options

Gene therapy and alterations 

Duplicate cell tracker 

DNA Illnesses report 

Cell charge 

Cell restoration 

Cell regeneration Drips


Other Possibility’s 

Stock Saver

-Stock Saver

BA Stock Software 

BA Trading System 


City Print

-City Print

3D Printed Houses 

Commercial Printed Structures

Home  Renovation & Recreation 3D Print

-EdU Tec

Learning Pods

BA Prep 

Home Learning Products

Education Structure 

True Education Learning system 

Mod Life Tec

-Mod Life

Top loading dishwasher 

Home Energy house hole divides 



FuT Tec

Driverless Car Technology/Devices

Automated Auto Road Technology/Devices

Road connection system and software 

Hazardous Tec

-Hazardous Tec

Periodic atom generation (H2O) (C02)

Atmosphere regeneration & creation

Space Maps GPS System and Interface

Space maps rocket trackers

Hyperspace driverlessTechnology(Evation

Shuttles Laser force field 

Tornado Safes

Hurricane enclosures 

Flood bunkers 

Prevention and Preparation products

Space Theory Research 

Shuttle blueprints 

Coin Snag 


LLK Corp

Ed U Tec

Road Corp

Home Tronics

Home Energy


Tesla election home energy device SMALL 

Solar Booster

Structure wall Magnets

Home Energy Framing magnets 

Wireless Home Energy 


Business is taken to the up most importance. Every stat, analytic detail, social construct is grasped at full value to deliver an experience or product that no other corporation can deliver. And that in any industry which is equine.    

Tyler G Holland / Creator/ CEO

Kalamazoo|South Haven|Detroit|San Diego|Chicago|New York|Starkville|Oklahoma

Arizona|Colorado|Kentucky|Pennsylvania|Cuba| Alaska|Nebraska|Ect. 

© 2015 by Bambi. BA Promotions Proudly created with


CONFIDENTIALITY & PATENT PENDING NOTICE: This corporation and any attached documents, process, Content, or creation. Contain confidential information from BA Promotions. The information is only for the use of the individual or entity that agree and ad-hear.  The delivery of this message is to the intended recipient, hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message or of any attached documents, or the taking of any action or omission to take any action in reliance on the contents of this message or of any attached documents, is strictly prohibited. Ca


 Thank you.

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