LLK is the 1st and rightfully only Health & Life science corporation. That Coined and created the Gen Splicing and Therapy process. Using all living organisms to create a sickles age less human form. that int the corporations main focus.
-We use the DNA & RNA-
We offer many other Long Live Process and products.
Age like trees
Regenerate like a Starfish .... Ect
Perpetual growth
Most plant cells are perpetually embryonic, meaning they can change into another cell type at any time.
sea stars are famous for their ability to regenerate limbs, and in some cases, entire bodies. Some require the central body to be intact to regenerate, but a few species can grow an entirely new sea star just from a portion of a severed limb.
The cambium is a very thin layer of growing tissue that produces new cells that become either xylem, phloem or more cambium. Every growing season, a tree's cambium adds a new layer of xylem to its trunk, producing a visible growth ring in most trees.
The meristem itself is composed of a small population of perpetually embryonic (meristematic) cells. These cells grow and divide, giving rise to new cells, but never mature themselves.